
Detail of Tricromie. Image by Julián Sanspí

The design and creation of new stained glass windows is one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. Besides offering the possibility of creating exact replicas of existing windows, and design pieces considering its architecture surrounding, in  Can Pinyonaire we focus on the creation of contemporary stained glass. From the multidisciplinary conception of art, we create projects in collaboration with visual artists from other fields. 

If you are a painter, illustrator or simply want us to adapt your favorite art piece into a stained glass window, contact us and we will study the best way to do it. If you have a window and you want us to give you ideas in order to transform it into the treasure of the house, we will find the design that best suits the conditions and light of its location.  We can also create original lighting elements or unique signs for your business.

We use traditional techniques such as stained glass, painting on glass, acid etching or gilding and we combine them with modern techniques such as fussing or resin techniques.

Image: Stained glass panel designed by Studio Carreras, 2018. More info here